One Minute Briefs

Ideas in a minute

Position Yorkshire as the food & drink capital of the UK
#Fans. I was lost for words myself from the Twitter/LinkedIn feedback
Actually an ad for #Jalapeñopeppers! Got a great reaction on LinkedIn
Brief set by CD Rodd Chant. The power of Colgate Advanced White toothpaste.
Dogs welcome at airbnb. Brief set by SoT to get a place
Position Yorkshire as the food & drink capital of the UK
#Fans. I was lost for words from the Twitter/LinkedIn feedback
Actually an ad for #Jalapeñopeppers!
Brief set by CD Rodd Chant. The power of Colgate...
Brief set by School of Thought...
Dogs welcome at airbnb get a place
Position Yorkshire as the food & drink capital of the UK, for Welcome to Yorkshire
#Fans. I was lost for words myself from the Twitter/LinkedIn feedback
Actually an ad for Jalapeño Peppers! Got a great reaction on LinkedIn
Brief set by CD Rodd Chant. The power of Colgate Advanced White toothpaste.
Dogs welcome at airbnb. Brief set by SoT to get a place