Prince's Trust

Get more people to attend Get hired events

Get more people to attend Get hired events
Get more people to attend Get hired events

The Idea

Social Starting the conversation


Starting the conversation

The Twitter/Instagram chat will uncover themes.
Use the main 4 themes of user generated content as the basis for printed posters/digital ads.
The quotes/photos taken – with permission – from the chat.
The #GetHired WiFi login user journey
Get Connected #GetHired WiFi Stickers
WiFi located at hotspots/selected places young people predominantly hang out.
Build relationships with big providers (e.g. BT)/ retailers such as Primark/independent businesses to sponsor their WiFi feed, located in the cities #GetHired is being held.
Not only could new business relationships be built, but a WiFi customer could become a new member of staff thanks to attending #GetHired, which would be fantastic PR.